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The Interview with "Mono" only took about 10 minutes to film. While I didn't set-up the shot, it turned out being an example of really nice cinematography. However, I edited the dialogue and the color of the interview to make the colors pop-out. I didn't add any music (which looking over I should've). In the end, I'm glad how it turned out considering it's my first interview. 



The video in which I interviewed Lily is unavailable but I believe it turned out well. I didn't set-up the shot but looked good in the Art Hallway with the pottery and paintings behind her. The questions could've been more interesting but it was fine. I didn't edit the interview so I don't know how the final project turned out. 



I was interviewed by Lily and my answers weren't very detailed. I mostly gave one-word answers and I said "Um" too much. I don't have the video but I did see part of the editing process with it. I wasn't told it was published yet but from what I recall, it wouldn't have turned out bad.



What happened behind the camera was stressful at times but easy at other times. When filming our first couple of videos inside, we had to deal with people walking in and out of classrooms, noise of people yelling in class, other people filming stuff near us, etc. We had trouble finding the right place and the right shot and the right lighting that'd be perfect in the end.


The first couple of interviews were stressful but the last interview with 'Mono' was easy because we filmed outside where it wasn't noisy and not crowded.


It was the second time I interviewed someone over the long process of filming these intervews so I knew how to ask the questions and made sure to be able to be heard by the person I was interviewing. That interview was a struggle with the wind but it was fixed in the end. It was cloudy that day so when I went back to edit the interview I brightened the color which made the person and background POP with color. 

In the end, I had an enjoyable time filming these interviews because I learned how to properly light a scene and how the camera and sound should be set-up and what makes a good and bad shot and finding the right place to film. I'll take a look back at these and learn from my mistakes and how to make things work filming and editing. I can't wait to experiemnt with cameras and lights on my own when I don't have an advance kid to do the work and me to sit back and watch/learn... Which isn't a bad thing sometimes.  

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